Stomach pain is one of the most common complaints heard by family doctors and gastroenterologists. Acute stomach pain after eating can sometimes significantly disrupt daily plans and routines.
To prevent stomach pain, it is often enough to drink more water and avoid spicy, heavy foods. If the problem persists, medication may be necessary.
Finding the right treatment depends on identifying the cause of the stomach pain.
For example, if you experience stomach pain after eating, the culprits could be acid reflux, peptic ulcer disease, chronic pancreatitis, or even the serious risk of stomach cancer. Sudden stomach pain, on the other hand, may be caused by a gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis).
Stomach Pain: Symptoms
Stomach pain can be accompanied by other symptoms, including:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Bloating
- Heartburn
- Burning sensation behind the breastbone
- Heaviness or feeling full after eating, and more.
Tips for Treating Stomach Pain at Home
People often ask how to relieve stomach pain at home. If you’re experiencing stomach cramps, what should you do? If digestion is upset, try one of these remedies — having some of these ingredients in your kitchen can be very helpful.
1. Ginger
People who often suffer from stomach pain should add ginger to their food more frequently or drink ginger tea and ginger beverages. Ginger for stomach pain is a pretty good alternative.
However, this root is not only known for its specific taste – ginger should not be overdosed, as it can cause the opposite effect.
2. Baking Soda
Baking soda is a highly versatile product with dozens of uses, but have you ever thought that it can help fight heartburn and digestive issues?
First of all, it can relieve symptoms of acid reflux by neutralizing acids. Add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to 1 glass of warm milk and dissolve it well.
This mixture can be consumed twice a day for no longer than a week.
Again, baking soda should not be overused, as it can cause muscle cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and other issues.
3. Figs
Many of us have heard about the benefits of dried plums in fighting digestive problems, but figs can provide an even better effect. They contain compounds that act as natural laxatives and help relieve digestive issues.
Moreover, figs are rich in prebiotics, which nourish our gut microbiota. Figs can help you feel better and prevent stomach pain during travel or constipation.
However, finding high-quality fruits in stores is not always easy, and it’s unrealistic to expect that fruits alone will solve all gut problems. That’s why comprehensive solutions like the Daily Spoon blueberry-flavored daily ritual “Gut Prime“ can be a great option.
It’s a good choice for those on the go, travelers, or anyone looking to support smooth gut function. Gut Prime contains probiotics derived from larch trees and active ingredients from nature.
4. Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera is one of the most versatile and beneficial plants, helping with digestive issues such as colitis (inflammation of the colon) and irritable bowel syndrome [1].
Drinking aloe vera juice can help manage heartburn, prevent bloating and belching, and ease unpleasant symptoms caused by food poisoning.
Aloe vera, known to calm gut discomfort and support immunity, is also included in the Gut Prime blueberry-flavored daily blend designed for everyday use.
5. Basil
Another plant widely known for helping fight gas buildup and the resulting stomach pain is basil. Basil contains linoleic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties, while its essential oil eugenol soothes the digestive tract.
A surprising fact – basil leaves are rich in fiber, which generally eases digestion. Basil can stimulate digestion and help relieve that unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
6. Licorice
Products containing licorice root can help get rid of unpleasant digestive system issues. Studies [2] have shown that licorice flavonoids positively affect stomach lining epithelial cells, reduce ethanol-induced damage, suppress inflammation, and restore the stomach lining barrier.
If you feel like your stomach has stopped working, drink licorice root tea several times a day. However, moderation is key – licorice products should be consumed with caution by people with high blood pressure, kidney disease, or heart conditions.
High-quality DGL licorice is also included in the Gut Prime blend. Licorice not only helps maintain normal digestion but also supports skin health – especially important for women. It’s no secret that acne often originates in the gut.
What should you eat when your stomach hurts?
Starving when your stomach hurts is not the best solution. It is recommended to eat the following foods:
- Rice. Plain white rice is the best option – low in fiber, easy to digest, and effective in reducing diarrhea.
- Rusks. The number one product for food poisoning – rusks – are also suitable for those experiencing stomach pain.
- Bananas. Bananas are easy to digest and rich in potassium, a valuable mineral.
- Applesauce. Sweet mashed apples are easy to digest and contain pectin, a substance that helps reduce diarrhea.
- Vegetables. Once you start feeling better, you can include vegetables in your diet, preferably steamed.
How to Relieve Stomach Pain for a Long Time? A Few More Proven Methods
- Adjust Your Diet: Chew your food thoroughly, try to eat regularly, and in small portions.
- Drink More Water: Water is essential for our bodies – only with sufficient hydration can the intestines efficiently digest food and absorb nutrients. When dehydration occurs, digestion becomes slower and less effective, increasing the risk of stomach disorders. Additionally, water can help reduce heartburn.
- Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle: Quit smoking, consume alcohol in moderation, and take medication only when truly necessary. What relieves stomach pain without negatively affecting a healthy stomach? Activated charcoal tablets are a great option.
However, keep in mind that if you experience stomach pain or nausea, it’s important not to ignore these symptoms, as the problem may worsen over time.