Daily Spoon | Supermaisto produktai norimam efektui pasiekti

Limited edition functional lemonades for skin and energy

No added sugar, with hyaluronic acid and antioxidants or electrolytes and guarana.

Exclusively fresh: enhanced classic matcha

Originating from Wazuka town in Kyoto, this matcha is now even more vibrant, aromatic, and fresh for making your most delicious lattes

10% off a hair nourishing bundle

A blackcurrant-flavoured ritual for nurturing strong and long curls, developed with a PhD in biochemistry. For best results, we recommend 2 courses, which is why we’re giving a 10% discount when you buy a bundle.

Expect more from your proteins

First of its kind in Europe – creamy plant-based proteins with superfood ingredients. High-quality and understandable composition without compromising on taste.

We have selected the most nutritious products found in nature and have placed it in one package, for the goal you want to achieve!

No B.S. ingredients

Created from 100% natural plant-based ingredients. No sweeteners or additives, just nutritious superfood.

We believe in science, not magic.

Developed with a certified nutritionist and a PhD in biochemistry, based on the proven benefits of plant-based ingredients.

Mix it, shake it, drink it!

From the freshness of berries to the sweet richness of cacao, our rituals blend seamlessly into your daily routine.

Our best-sellers

Good nutrition doesn’t have to be a handful. One superfood mix – all essential vitamins for your desired effect.

For Skin Glow


30 servings | 200 g pack

In stock

For Gut Bliss


30 servings | 200 g pack

In stock

For Balance


30 servings | 200 g pack

In stock

Daily Spoon Co—founders

How tiring are effectless and overpriced wellness products that give no promised results? Don’t get us started…
We’re not a perfect company, but our intentions are true. Daily Spoon was founded to make people feel better with the help of the most nutritious ingredients. And we are not settling for anything less.
No promises, no B.S. overnight magical teas, just honest and science-backed-up results that make you glow and feel great.

Daily Spoon Co—founders, Radvilė and Emonas

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Our recipes

Banana and caramel protein pancakes
Banana and caramel protein pancakes

Banana and caramel protein pancakes20 MINSATIETYPORTIONS: 2Flavoured with peanut butter for good fat and Ceylon cinnamon for extra spice.Nepraleisk Daily Spoon receptų! Ingredients  50...

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Pudding for radiance and balance
Pudding for radiance and balance

Pudding for radiance and balance5 MINSATIETYPORTIONS: 2For a nutritious breakfast in those early mornings, chia puddings are the perfect answer. Best of all, you can change the toppings from time to time, so you...

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Blueberry lemonade for strong hair and nails
Blueberry lemonade for strong hair and nails

Blueberry lemonade for strong hair and nails2 MINSATIETYPORTIONS: 1This quickly and easily prepared lemonade is rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C, B, iron, and zinc. And it's all from natural...

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