Our work doesn’t stop with just products. We’re building a community to share nutritious recipes and nutrition basics to help you navigate the extremely noisy stream of healthy lifestyle information.
Daily Spoon was born out of a desire to see a different kind of healthy lifestyle product. A product that doesn't promise a magic pill, but is based on science and nutritious ingredients.
Our ambition was to help people with a teaspoon-sized daily habit that makes them feel better, and to be a trusted resource for navigating the nutrition information overload trap. We are grateful that our message has resonated and helped grow such a supportive community.
Best (and nutritious) wishes,

A desire for a health product grounded in science, not empty promises.
A goal to achieve desired results with a natural and effective formula.
An aim to bring simplicity to the overwhelming topic of nutrition.

Beginning 2020
The Daily Spoon idea becomes a reality in our living room. The team consists of Radvilė and Emonas.

Rollout 2021
Packing parcels until midnight and welcoming new team members into our first office.

Growth 2022
We gained momentum, moved to a larger office and built up a team of 8 people.

Community 2023
The community now exceeds 40,000 people, we hold our first event, open our studio and introduce a record number of new rituals.

Small achievements 2024
Radvilė graduates from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York with a degree in Hormone and Gut Health.

Behind the scenes

Our vision is supported by
This is our community, believing in the idea of nourishing rituals and striving not to lose the things that make you glow and feel good in your everyday life.
Išsirink savo ritualus
Tolygi energija, švytinti oda, lengvumas susikoncentruojant, sklandi žarnyno veikla ir dar daugiau – efektyvumo iš gamtos ir mokslo pagalba sukūrėme ritualus, kurie padės siekti norimo rezultato.