Daily eating habits that bring results Daily Spoon
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Daily eating habits that bring results

Kasdienes mitybos įpročiai

Our scale has been out of order for four months now. Since I haven’t been tracking my weight, I haven’t felt the urgency to fix it. However, halfway through the third month of working from home, I walked past a mirror, paused, and looked at my belly.

Don’t get me wrong; this ritual usually didn’t bring me joy. But when I looked in the mirror, I noticed hints of abs that I hadn’t recognized before. It sparked my curiosity to check both my weight and body measurements. So, without realizing it during the quarantine, I lost 4 kilograms. To understand what a surprise this was for me, here are a few facts: I am 164 cm tall, and my normal weight has fluctuated around 54-55 kilograms for the past few years.

I went back to the mirror and genuinely felt proud of my body for the first time. And this doesn’t mean that I’ve reached some ideal image I had in my head, or that my figure looks very athletic, etc. But the feeling of being comfortable in my own skin was something I hadn’t experienced before. A few years ago, I could hardly imagine having the discipline to achieve this.

So, the main question now is—how did I manage to achieve the weight I had desired for years naturally, without any strict dietary restrictions?

I did everything as usual; the only thing that changed was staying at home. So, the answer lies in habits. It was specific dietary habits in my day-to-day life that helped me feel better and manage my weight naturally and without rushing. I’ll share those habits and the ways I developed them.

Let’s not forget about water

Let’s start with the old and good advice – water. We all know we need it, but what little things help us drink more? For me, a large water bottle that tracks how much I’ve consumed and how much is left really helps. I aim to drink at least 1.5 liters a day, although that depends on my activity level and the pace of my day.
I also recommend choosing a larger glass when filling up with water. Over time, this will become a natural habit. Another tip is to add slices of lemon, cucumber, berries, or other fruits to your water to give it a different flavor. On a warm day, you can even use frozen berries as ice cubes! A new discovery for me is making ice cubes from lemon juice.

Create the environment you want

The environment strongly influences us, so let’s create one that helps us develop the desired habits. Let’s place fruits on the table and take out seeds and nuts from the shelves so that when we feel like snacking, these products will be our first choice. Let’s store cookies, chocolate, or other treats deeper on the shelf, making them the choice we turn to only in those specific moments when we crave chocolate.

Eat more greens and salads

One new habit has significantly contributed to the lost kilograms – salads. I decided that with every meal, I would eat at least a handful of greens. Spinach is a great choice in this case due to its nutritional value. However, any desired salad works, as they provide a fantastic source of fiber and vitamins, enhancing each meal. My partner is not a big fan of salads, but I got him used to them by elevating their flavor – I drizzle them with lemon or lime juice, sprinkle fresh pepper, sea salt, and any fresh or dried herbs I have, and then I massage them well to blend the flavors together.

Fall in love with smoothies

Another way to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet is through fruit and vegetable smoothies. For several years now, this has been my favorite daily ritual, and I believe it has greatly contributed to my improved well-being and changed my relationship with food. By consuming them in one go, you can absorb a wealth of beneficial nutrients: vitamins, antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber.

From my love for smoothies, the Daily Spoon blends were born, as I was always creating new superfood variations while making them that nourished my body. I wanted to encourage others to incorporate more smoothies into their diets, so I gathered my favorites and put them into a mini recipe book. You can download it here.

Just don’t forget to freeze the fruits

Let’s be more moderate with oil

This habit was important for me because I am a big fan of olive oil and, to put it mildly, I used to overdo it. Then I learned that one tablespoon of olive oil contains about 120 calories. Although olive oil falls into the category of healthy fats, I definitely didn’t need to use as much as I did. By reducing it, I also cut down on the use of other oils, opting for spray coconut oil, which results in me using much less So, the advice here is not only about dosing oil but also encouraging you to find out how many calories your favorite foods contain so that you don’t overdo it, like I did

Choose healthier alternatives

I believe that a balanced diet shouldn’t make you feel like you’re giving something up. However, we know that to feel good, we should avoid certain products. The nice thing is that healthier alternatives are becoming increasingly accessible. What have I changed? I replace wheat flour with almond or corn flour, cow’s milk with almond milk, white sugar with maple syrup, and a chocolate bar with dark chocolate, etc.

Although these changes may seem small, using them daily can have a significant impact on your well-being and encourage the desired results.

Plan your meals

The biggest advantage of the quarantine for me was cooking at home. This way, we know the quality of the ingredients, can regulate portions, and plan our meals. Every Sunday, I would sit down to create a weekly menu and a grocery list. This is a great way to motivate yourself to cook at home and plan balanced meals in advance.

More physical activity

And the last change in my routine was more frequent physical activity. I thought it would be hard to motivate myself to exercise at home, but I surprised myself. I found a method that fits my rhythm, which is intense but short workouts in the mornings. Once I tailored the type of exercise to my routine, I naturally began to work out regularly. If you don’t know where to start, I suggest finding videos for simple full-body exercises and dedicating at least 15 minutes to them for a few weeks. Naturally, those exercises will become easier, and you’ll want something more challenging, perhaps more intense. After working out, you’ll also be more inclined to eat healthily during the day, because at least for me, I don’t want to ruin the progress I made that day. And seeing results will definitely make you not want to stop

Daily Spoon originated from the desire to see a different type of healthy lifestyle product in Lithuania—one without empty promises or miraculous weight-loss teas, but rather focused on what is backed by science and helps you shine and feel good.

Founder of Daily Spoon


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