Zucchini salad with herbs and pearl couscous | Daily Spoon

Zucchini salad with herbs and pearl couscous

15 MIN


Inspiration for salads is already here. Satisfying, nutritious, refreshing, tasty, so there’s really nothing more needed. It’s essential to give them a chance.

Cukinijų salotos su žalumynais ir perlinėmis kruopomis | RECEPTAS
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Ingredientai Ingredients


1 Zucchini
According to your needs Olive oil
Several cloves Garlic
1 cup Cooked pearl couscous
Bunch Kalamata olives
2 tablespoons Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon Fresh honey


Slice the zucchini into thick strips and fry them in a pan with oil. After turning them, add a few cloves of garlic and fry everything until nicely browned.


After removing the zucchini, leave the garlic in the pan, add cooked pearl couscous, and fry for about 5 minutes. If needed, add more olive oil.


Slice the ingredients and place spinach on them, then add pearl couscous, olives, fried zucchini, pistachios, parsley, and dill.


Enhance the salad with Greek yogurt, oil, honey, salt, and pepper. Enjoy!

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