Healthy/unhealthy. Or nutritious/not-nutritious? | Daily Spoon

Healthy and unhealthy. Or maybe better – nutritious and non-nutritious?

Mar 12, 2021

We live in a period of labeling. Vegan, vegetarian, lactose free, gluten free, keto. With so much information and high-eating modes, there’s a growing desire to label everything and try to understand: what is good and what is bad? Often such labels came with unwanted comments, remarks about each other’s diet.

As in many fields, nutritiousness also has a gray area and the division of food into healthy or unhealthy, in my opinion, does not develop a good and wholesome relationship with food. Instead of elevating one product and demonizing another, maybe is it better to look at the nutritional value of the products? Looking at food through the prism of nutritiousness has helped me build a very warm relationship with food and get the results I want.

Motivates a positive relationship with food
Nutritiousness assessment develops attitudes about how food can pamper and nourish your body. Looking at the amount of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins in vegetables and fruits, we know that eating them not only quenches hunger, but also nourishes our body, helps it perform the necessary functions. These relationships are positive and as we nurture them, we look more and more closely at what we eat.
This approach is not constraining
There are no black / white areas in nutritiousness. Some products are more nutritious, others less so. If you eat pasta that is low in nutrition, you can make the dish with nutritious vegetables and beans. In my opinion, this is a better alternative than restricting pasta or other foods to your diet. Also, when a person does not feel like giving up something, he tends to follow these habits.


Looking at food through the prism of nutritiousness has helped me build a very warm relationship with food and get the results I want. 

Helps achieve results
Adequate amounts of protein, good fats and fiber in the diet bring great results in our well-being. Sufficient amounts of these substances can be obtained precisely because of the nutritional value of the products. Let’s say if I ate an egg (protein) and avocado (a good fat) in the morning, maybe I should eat more vegetables for lunch to get fiber and carbs. Such an approach does not require much time or effort, just basic knowledge of the nutritional value of the products is enough.


Daily Spoon and nutritiousness
The pursuit of nutritiousness is the foundation for the development of Daily Spoon superfoods blends. We always emphasize that our superfoods blends are an additional aid in enriching the diet with particularly nutritious ingredients that are known for a certain effect, but it is not a food substitute or a magic pill. Just natural ingredients that are used regularly can bring great results.


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