Sugar: why do we want it and how to control it? | Daily Spoon

Sugar: why do we want it and how to control it?

Jun 23, 2021

The WHO recommended daily intake of sugar per person is about 25 g per day (6 teaspoons), but according to the latest statistics, Lithuanians consume much more sugar, consumption is only growing (in recent years it is estimated that per capita per year is about 42 kg sugar, which is about 115 g per day). Also, according to EU estimates, in 2017 as many as a third of deaths in Lithuania are related to malnutrition (too little fruit, vegetables, and too much sugar and salt), which is almost twice as much as the overall EU average.

Excessive sugar intake leads not only to overweight and obesity, but also to diabetes, dental caries, and especially, various heart disorders. An interesting example is a study by Harvard researchers. During 22 years study, estimated that men from 43 thousand subjects who drank sweetened drinks every day experienced a 20 percent increase in heart diseases.

An example with sweetened drinks may seem small at first glance, but it is important to realize that this category includes not only carbonated soft drinks (lemonades) but also fruit juices, various types of sweet coffee, energy drinks, cold teas. However, even if you do not drink all of these drinks, a large proportion of foods that contain added sugar also have a significant impact on our health.

While knowing the health effects of sugar, about 90% of people still feel the urge to consume sweet products. Why? This can be caused by hormonal imbalances, especially leptin and serotonin deficiency, the menstrual cycle. It can also be the voice of the body wanting to say that it is deficient in certain nutrients. For example, a high craving for chocolate can mean a lack of magnesium, and a craving for sweet fruits can mean a general deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

However, psychological factors have the greatest impact on the desire for sweets. Various studies suggest that the desire for sweets in our subconscious is often associated with good emotions. This kind of our thinking is sown by a large number of commercial advertisements, scenes depicting sweets in movies, and so on. It can also be associated with increased stress levels.
So, now the main question is how to avoid the extremely frequent desire for sweets?


Avoid extremes

It is not worth avoiding sweet products altogether. It is useful to include more fruits in the diet so that the body’s desire for sweetness is suppressed while receiving various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Also, by completely stopping eating sweets, the desire for sugar will be even higher, so it is not advisable to completely ban yourself from eating sweet products.

Eat a nutritious food

Whole grain products, vegetables, high-protein products – such food will not only provide the body with useful substances but also the body will process it much more slowly, so the blood sugar will remain even, which will help to avoid the unexpected and high desire for sweetness.

Don’t buy and don’t see

A very simple way to avoid sugar products is just not to buy them, or keep them at home in a high, rarely visible place. It is better to put healthy snacks, such as nuts, fruits, in places that are often seen. This will help to avoid the hunger that often leads to sugary snacks – let’s not let ourselves be hungry, but rather choose nutritious snacks.

Sweeten the food yourself

Buy unsweetened products, e.g. oatmeal without added “flavor”, natural yogurt, unsweetened plant-based milk, etc. It is much more useful to add your favorite natural sweeteners, such as maple syrup or honey to such products.

Read the labels

It is important to note that sugar would not be listed as the first ingredient or would not be separated into several different ingredients (eg brown sugar, cane nectar, etc.) – this way manufacturers want the consumer would not be able to understand the actual amount of sugar in the product.

Do not miss breakfast

Starting our day with a rich and nutritious breakfast, we will feel fewer cravings for sweetness and snacks during the day. Eggs, fruit, or sweet porridge with For Energy blend are perfect for such a breakfast.

Monitor and capture stress

It is important to understand when we feel emotionally depressed, overworked and to correct this in ways such as more sleep, nutritious food, sports, meditation. In this way, we will avoid “eating” emotions.

Drink a lot of water

Some people find that drinking water frequently during the day helps to prevent a sudden craving for sweets.

The blend For Energy

Our blend For Energy contains Ceylon cinnamon and cocoa. It has been observed that these two ingredients can help reduce the need for sugar. This has already been noticed by our customers who say that the cocoa flavor blend represents dessert. In addition, it is rich in plant proteins, antioxidants, and potassium.


Harvard Health Publishing, ,,How to break the sugar habit- and help your health in the process”, 2013.

Harvard Health Publishing, ,,Sugar: How much sugar is too much?”, 2014.

Medical News Today, ,,What causes food cravings?”, 2020.

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